New Melleray Abbey
Located southwest of Dubuque, Iowa, New Melleray was founded in 1849 by monks of our Order from Mount Melleray Abbey, Ireland. Like all monasteries, New Melleray Abbey is a school of charity. The monastery is a place where we learn to love God, to love ourselves, and to love each other. Together with its fertile farmland and rugged woodlands our monastery provides us with solitude and precious silence.
The Guest House is available for individuals and groups who would like to spend some time in quiet reflection and prayer. Individuals and groups come to the monastery to make a personal retreat. Click here for more information
Twenty rooms are available, four with two single beds, the others have one single bed. Groups or individuals seeking a spiritual retreat from the world are welcome. Reservations may be made by either emailing or calling 563-588-2319 extension 100.