Linda Bonifazi-King, Geri Conley (Chair), Lori Knuth, Charlotte Scheckel, Karen Theriault
The purpose of the Liturgy Committee is to assist the pastor and the parish life coordinator in facilitating the liturgical prayer of the community and to nourish and give direction to the liturgical worship of the parish, including the elements of spirituality, music, environment, liturgical ministers, and attention to liturgical norms.
Liturgy means, literally, the people’s work. It is the work of praising God through the Eucharistic Rite. The role of a Liturgy Committee is to promote the active participation in the Liturgy by all members of our parish. We assist Father in the planning and implementation of many aspects of liturgical activities at St. Patrick’s. Our planning always follows the Liturgical seasons: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. This includes environment and music, as well as scheduling and mentoring the various liturgical ministers (lectors, cantors, servers, extraordinary ministers.) We plan out Holy Week with all of its days and make sure the liturgical parts such as linens and candles are ready. We decorate and change the banner for major feast days but count on the whole parish helping with the major decorating. We assist Father with the training of altar servers and other ministers. Each week, the people of St. Patrick’s gather to celebrate the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Liturgy Committee sets the table for the banquet. We welcome all new members as we prepare the table.