Julia Clair, Bob Gravel (Chair), Jeremy Venenga
The finance council as its primary purpose is to support the parish participation in the fourfold mission of Jesus Christ to celebrate faith, proclaim the Gospel, build community and serve the needy.
It serves as an advisory body to the pastor and the pastoral council regarding the administration and stewardship of human resources, parish facilities, and parish finances, including the annual budget and long-range financial development. It is a consultative body that enables the parish to live its mission by prudent and lawful stewardship of all resources.
The finance council has as its responsibility the obligation of planning, providing for and supervising the financial affairs and the physical properties of the parish. It is concerned with the budget, stewardship, church support, and the effective utilization and maintenance of the parish.
Our finance council looks at options for the parish such as automated giving. They make recommendations on investment options for parish funds, and they put together an annual parish budget for Father’s and the parish council’s consideration. They also look over monthly and year-to-date finance reports to see if they are on track with the approved budget.