Saturday mornings beginning September 14th 6am-7:30am-“That Man is You” -All men are welcome! Begins The Fight of Faith for the men of St. Patrick in Anamosa. That Man is You! is an interactive men's program focused on the development of male leadership in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and great society. This program is divided into two, 13 week sessions. The fall session emphasizes the development of the Scriptural vision of man, especially in his relationship to his family and society. The spring session emphasizes the practical means of becoming that man.
Sunday mornings beginning September 22nd 8:30am-10am! "She Shall be Called Woman"-All women are welcome! This is a transformative journey designed to meet the deepest longings of the feminine heart. This is a sanctuary for women seeking to be truly seen, known and loved as they grow in their relationship with the Lord. 9 sessions in the Fall and 9 sessions in the Spring. **no lesson on Sunday, October 13th. Come visit us at the Fall Festival!
For Our Searching Souls- Christ Our Life- September 28th & 29th, 2024. Wells Fargo Arena- Des Moines, IA. You are invited for a weekend of faith sharing, faith building and praise as we listen and learn from world-class speakers, renowned Catholic exhibitors and most importantly, share the sacraments. For more information visit Christ Our Life Awaken event in Cedar Rapids on October 19th in the evening at Veterans Memorial. Your youth ministers or faith formation staff may have heard about it and gotten information at the most recent Arch Faith Formation leadership day.
Awaken Iowa- Saturday, October 19 at 6pm- join us at Veterans Memorial Building- 50 2nd Avenue Bridge, Cedar Rapids for a night of spirit led worship, a powerful message, prayer and adoration. Awaken Iowa will welcome over 1,000 youth (6th grade and above), young adults and families to focus on a joy-filled personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Awaken is centered around Eucharistic Adoration and will feature Damascus Worship and powerful messages from Damascus’ national speakers. This event is designed to reinvigorate the Church with a fresh understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and inspire a passion for life in union with Him. Free admission! Visit Damascus for more info and to reserve your seats!