Saturday mornings: next session begins January 18 from 6am-7:30am-“That Man is You” -All men are welcome! Begins The Fight of Faith for the men of St. Patrick in Anamosa. That Man is You! Christ didn’t say, “I make new things.” He said, “I make all things new.” The profundity of the Scriptures sets the stage for a renewal of mind and heart – a new creation story, a new Adam, a new Eve, a new covenant and even a new kingdom! Encounter God the Father. Enlighten your mind with spiritual truths that will help transform the world. Become a new creation in Christ and allow mercy to consume your miseries. Seize the day! During the new session, each meeting consists of three essential elements: fellowship with refreshments, video presentation and discussion within small groups. Best part, no homework! And if you miss a meeting, you won't be behind. Each meeting is a new topic and video presentation. Listen to the impact that That Man is You is having on our Catholic parishes: Here is a great overview of the program:
Sunday mornings: next session begins January 5 from 8:30am-10am "She Shall be Called Woman" All women are welcome! This is a transformative journey designed to meet the deepest longings of the feminine heart. Through vibrant conversations, authentic speakers, and enriching prayer experiences, SHE equips women with the tools to embark on a profound spiritual journey. During the nine weeks, each meeting consists of three essential elements: fellowship with refreshments, video presentation and discussion within small groups. Best part, no homework! And if you miss a meeting, you won't be behind. Each meeting is a new topic and video presentation. Here is a great overview of the program:
Save the Date! 2025 Archdiocesan Men's Conference- Saturday, March 29, 2025 at St. Pius X Church, Cedar Rapids. Each year, men from throughout the Archdiocese of Dubuque gather to learn, pray, share, and build relationships. This conference will feature Michael Gormley as the keynote speaker. Breakout sessions, Mass, lunch, and more. Learn more at Catholic Men’s Conference.
ICYC- Iowa Catholic Youth Conference- Sunday, March 30, 2025.This conference targets those in grades 6-8 and their parents. This will take place at St. Ludmila Parish in Cedar Rapids and will feature the energetic Catholic artist and witness of faith, Connor Flanagan. More information to come! Cost: $50 per person (youth or adult) if purchased prior to March 1, 2025 / $60 per person after March 1. *This cost includes lunch, materials, speaker and facility fees, and everything else that will make you ICYC experience amazing!
NEW! Iowa Youth Ministry Pep Rally! Saturday, March 29, 2025 The Archdiocese of Dubuque and the Diocese of Davenport are collaborating to bring a new opportunity for high school students. It is our hope to pump up teens prior to ICYC with a night of fun, prayer, and music by Connor Flanagan! Mark your calendars for the night of Saturday, March 29, 2025 for a high school youth event at St. Ludmila, Cedar Rapids. This event will be the night before ICYC, but is geared for teens in high school. Cost will be between $15 and $20 per person and will include supper. More details to come.
Save the Date! We will be hosting a special event, called “MASS CONFUSION,” with the Doug and Dave Show on Saturday, April 26 and Sunday, April 27 at 6:15pm. We want to make sure you are here for this Catholic comedy which will help us all laugh and learn about the treasures of our Faith, especially the Mass. The Doug and Dave Show is hosted by nationally-known Catholic presenters, Doug Brummel, known as the man of many faces, and award-winning musician and songwriter, Dave Wilson, of Lighten Up! Ministries. This will be a very fun way to bring all generations together for an engaging and interactive presentation that is both holy and hilarious! Expect the unexpected!
NCYC- National Catholic Youth Conference- November 20-23, 2025. This is a four-day celebration for Catholic teens. This event is hosted by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry every other year. NCYC involves dynamic speakers, powerful workshops, music, interactive activities, and a chance to meet more than 23,000 teens from all over the United States. More information to come.